Ninja • Memecoin


The Shadow Dao on ICP.

NINJA was created to host the shadow community on ICP – a meme project shrouded in mystery where comradery, honor and brotherhood play a central part. Ninja is more than just a cryptocurrency, it is also a movement. We believe that The Internet Computer has the potential to change the world for the better, and we are committed to making it more inclusive and welcoming for everyone.

The Shadow Dao is Ninja’s attempt to fill the crypto education gap for the next billion users that will be discovering The Internet Computer in the coming years. Not only in education about the principles of the ICP ecosystem – but also in warning and educating the community about red flags in projects, and what to look out for.

With a fair launch the possibilities towards true development of technical products will have to be financed by the community and earned fees from the liquidity pool. We have a number of ideas that we will share with you when the time is right…

While a true DAO still lies far in the distance – it is a goal we are diligently moving towards.

As always, Ninja’s move in silence – ever watchful from the shadows.



FAIR LAUNCH – 1,000,000,000 $NINJA against 500 ICP



NINJA is built to host the shadow community – a group of individuals who feel connected to the principles of the Ninja:

01. ACT.

Ninjas bravely act towards their big goal.

  • They know their why and act with purpose and passion.
  • They commit to Minimal Achievable Successes and celebrate them every day.
  • They build strong connections to achieve more by acting together.
02. GIVE.

Ninjas warmly give to others without expecting anything in return.

  • They aim to maximize value in the lives of others.
  • They show kindness, authenticity and gratitude in every action.
  • They share knowledge and resources transparently.
03. LEARN.

Ninjas actively test and learn.

  • They work in short iterations to act, reflect and adjust in tiny steps at a time.
  • They collect frequent feedback and new knowledge to know what and how to improve.
  • They establish successful habits to spend their limited time most effectively.




Our plans for the future:


Community building is paramount for Ninja’s success as it fosters a supportive network of users who share a common vision, creating a strong foundation. A thriving community provides valuable feedback, helping Ninja adapt and evolve in response to the diverse needs and preferences of its users. Additionally, a robust community enhances trust, credibility, and adoption, as users are more likely to engage and invest in a cryptocurrency that has a vibrant and engaged user base.

We aim to listen to the community as we move towards a decentralized organization in the future.


While the roadmap and whitepaper are still in development we can say that we have a number of hard goals set out for our project that we aim to achieve and have already achieved. As always, we #buidl in the shadows to host the shadow community on ICP.

We are a fair launch community coin without large team allocations of tokens to fund development. We believe we can make an impact on the ecosystem as a whole.


NINJA’s long-term growth relies on strategic partnerships with successful projects, forging alliances that amplify the collective impact. Collaborating with other thriving ventures creates synergies, unlocking new opportunities and expanding NINJA’s reach. These strategic partnerships not only foster innovation but also establish a robust network that fortifies NINJA’s position as a cornerstone in the sustained development of the blockchain ecosystem.



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NINJA is available on the following exchanges.

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